Meet the team - Julie Laverock
My first introduction to the long Saturday run was by John’s brother Ed. This was a mere 14 miles. Having been trained up to a sufficient Saturday morning standard I was then introduced to his older brother John. What an inspiration to my long distance training he’s been. Here was someone nearly twice my age regularly running that distance as a training run during the week as well as at the weekend, posting times in races I could only ever dream of.
With John’s guidance and support I recently completed my first ultra-distance event, running as his partner at the Haworth Hobble in March 2011. No bad for someone who not so long ago thought that 33 miles was the distance you ran in a week not in a day.
It is indeed a privilege to be asked by John to provide running support for his 70@70 challenge. What better way to spend a day than in the company of friends, doing something you enjoy whilst at the same time helping to raise money for such a worthy charity.